3.提高挤出产量----降底了对螺杆的压力要求,由原来的螺杆向模头建压,改为熔体泵向模头建压,螺杆可以高速高效的挤出,且可以 调节挤出机背压,减少熔体在螺筒内驻留时间,稳定塑化过程,降低熔融温度,提高制品产量和质量。
5.延长整机寿命----使用熔体泵后挤出机螺筒内压力降低,能大大降低螺杆和螺筒之间的磨损,减轻齿轮箱推力轴承的负荷,延长挤出 机寿命,挤出机在生产工艺中需要排气的冒料问题也可迎刃而解。
When melt pump and single screw or twin screw extruder are put into use with series connection, the benefit of whole extrusion line will be improved significantly. The main advantages of using melt pump:
1. Stabilizing the output pressure--reducing the unstable output of material causing by the parameters of extruder and pressure pulsations.
2. Improving the product quality--reducing the dimensional tolerance of extrusion product into minimum and reducing the rate of scraps and rejects.
3. Increasing the extrusion output--reducing the screw pressure, changing the building pressure style from “screw to die” to “melt to die”, so the screw can extrude the products with high efficiency, meanwhile the back-pressure of extruder can be adjusted, reducing the melt residence time in screw cylinder, stabilizing the plasticizing process and reducing the melting temperature, improving the product quality and quantity.
4. Reducing the unit energy consumption--some dates show that the combination of the extruder and melt pump, comparing with the extruder alone, can improve the milling quality and quantity remarkably. Energy consumption of per kilogram material can be reduced one-quarter.
5. Prolonging the service life--the pressure of extruder screw cylinder can be lowered after using the melt pump. So the wear and tear between the screw and screw cylinder can be reduced consumedly.
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